Ouvert tous les jours de 8h à 18h info@heures-saines.gp 0 590 988 663

Ouvert tous les jours de 8h à 18h Open every day from 8am to 6pm info@heures-saines.gp 0 590 988 663

"Les Heures Saines" diving center


The whole team of « Heures Saines » welcomes you to the diving center!

360° video

Since 1987, the diving center « Les Heures Saines » welcomes you on the Malendure rock in Pigeon, on the commune of Bouillante, in front of the Cousteau Reserve, one of the marine areas of the National Park of Guadeloupe.

Thanks to the two boats, the Yaïsa and the Démelou, the diving center can offer up to 7 trips per day. Day or half-day trips along the Côte-sous-le-Vent to the mythical Sec Pâté are also possible.

In the organization of our various activities, we have three priorities: your safety, your comfort and the preservation of the environment.

For your safety, all our outings are done with a person who stays on board the boat to ensure surface safety during the activity. Even the reception area of the center is equipped with emergency equipment (oxygen therapy) and a defibrillator.

For your comfort, the diving equipment (tanks, regulators, stabilizing jackets and masks) is already on board both boats. You don’t have to wear anything to the boat except the shorts that you will have tried on in the fitting room and the fins. During the day dive trips, a meal prepared by a restaurant owner is served on board the boat. When booking your outing, you choose between meat, fish or vegetarian.

For the preservation of the environment, we respect the Longitude 181 charter for eco-responsible diving centers. We participate with the commune of Bouillante in the selective sorting of waste. You will find on the terrace of the center a garbage can dedicated to the recovery of plastics. In front of the flippers and shorts room, an awareness panel will advise you on how to behave in the sea. And if you are interested in marine biodiversity, specific training courses are offered.

Our center is designed to accommodate groups of divers. Jennifer, one of our receptionists, is here to help you organize your group stay. You can use the contact form with the choice « group of more than 10 divers ».

Diving Center


Activities of the diving center « Les Heures Saines » :

      • Freediving : from discovery to improvement
      • Snorkeling : alone or with family
      • Baptism : always alone with a state certified instructor during the immersion phase
      • Fun diving: supervised or autonomous
      • Night dive
      • Wreck diving: the Franjack, the Augustin Fresnel II, the Gustavia
      • Training for all levels of diving, from beginner to instructor
      • Marine Biology Training

Our facilities


When you arrive, after having parked your car in the parking lot in front of the center, you will find the reception desk. Once the administrative formalities are completed, you can enjoy the terrace with a magnificent view of the Ilets Pigeon while drinking a complimentary tea or coffee.

When the time comes, you will head towards the distribution of shorty and fins so that everyone finds the right shoe. A fitting room is available for those who have not yet put on their swimsuit.

When the departure of the boat is announced, you will go down the stairs to the pontoon where the boat will be waiting for you. An instructor will help you choose the rest of the equipment so that it is adapted to your morphology. Diving tanks of different sizes are already on the boats: from 6 liters for children to 15 liters for gourmets. Vests of all sizes, masks and regulators are also already on board.

Next to the pontoon, you will notice the showers as well as the tanks for cleaning your shorts and fins after the dive. Masks, snorkels and regulators are directly disinfected on the boats by soaking in a virucidal solution adapted to the new sanitary situation.

Behind the reception is the technical room with the workshop, the two compressors and the buffer bottles which facilitate the inflation which is done directly on the boats thanks to an inflation ramp.

For those who follow a course requiring a theoretical approach, a first classroom is set up outside next to the reception terrace and a second in the carbet next to the pontoon.

Our boats



This is the historic boat of Les Heures Saines. He has been there since the very beginning of the diving center in 1983 when the club was still located in Gosier and the Yaïsa in the marina of Bas-du-Fort. It is an old trawler of 10 m, refitted to receive 24 divers plus the pilot who will also ensure the surface safety during the dive. The Yaïsa will take you every day to the diving spots of the Cousteau Reserve.

The boat is already equipped with tanks, regulators, vests, masks and snorkels. You will wear only your shorty and your fins. There are even armbands designed for snorkeling to reassure those who would dare the adventure without knowing how to swim.


Built in 2013 by the shipyard « Bord à Bord », this 12 m boat is specially equipped for diving with a maximum capacity of 30 divers (restricted to 24 in the National Park of Guadeloupe). Its cruising speed of 16 knots and its capacity to carry 60 diving tanks allows for day or half-day trips.

In addition to the cylinders, you will find on board regulators, jackets, masks and snorkels. You will wear only your shorty and your fins. The armbands for snorkeling are also already on board.

Our team


Nadine and Jean-Christophe, at the head of the diving center « Les Heures Saines », are surrounded by a team at your service. At the height of the season, the entire team is made up of a dozen diving instructors, three boat pilots who also provide surface security and three multilingual receptionists. Part of the staff lives in Guadeloupe all year round. Another part comes to join us in winter to share the passion of diving.

Our shop


On the spot you will find a store with souvenirs of your passage (tee-shirt, cap, …). You will also find what you need to develop your knowledge of marine biodiversity with books, what you need to replace your equipment (mask, snorkel, regulator hose, mouthpiece, batteries for your computer, …) and some accessories (sunglasses, waterproof case for smartphone, dive light, anti-fog spray, …)

The club in pictures


Centre de plongée Les Heures Saines

« Les Heures Saines« , centre de plongée situé à Pigeon, près de la plage de Malendure, sur la commune de Bouillante en Guadeloupe, en face des Ilets Pigeon et de la réserve Cousteau, vous propose :
apnée, randonnée palmée, baptême de plongée, plongée exploration, plongée sur épaves ou plongée de nuit, formation, …

Informations pratiques

Ouvert tous les jours de 8h à 18h

Téléphone : 0590 988 663
Portable : 0690 905 933
Mail : info@heures-saines.gp

Adresse : Rocher de Malendure – Pigeon

« Les Heures Saines » diving center

« Les Heures Saines », a diving center located in Pigeon, near the beach of Malendure, in the town of Bouillante in Guadeloupe, in front of the Pigeon Island and the Cousteau reserve, offers: freediving, snorkeling, first dive, fun dives, wreck diving or night dives, training, …

Useful information

Open everyday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Phone: (+590) 590 988 663
Mobile: (+590) 690 905 933
Mail: info@heures-saines.gp

Rocher de Malendure – Pigeon